Fáar konur í rannsóknum og þróun í atvinnulífinu


Þrátt fyrir ýmsar aðgerðir Evrópusambandsins til að auka þátttöku kvenna í rannsóknum og þróun í iðnaði er þátttka þeirra einungis 18% á móti 35% í opinbera geiranum.

16/05/2006 (Europe Information Daily) - Giving greater importance to the promotion of women in the industrial science and technology sector and improving cooperation between European research projects and gender equality initiatives should enable businesses to improve their economic performance. This is the central conclusion of a report on women in science and technology (WIST) presented at a conference staged on 15 May in Vienna by the Austrian Presidency of the EU Council of Ministers on gender policy in industrial research.


The issue examined by experts and politicians attending the conference was how to attract more female scientists and researchers to industry. Participation of women in research is rising but remains generally low in the EU, with women much more under-represented in the private sector (18%) than in the public sector (35%). This is despite the increasing number of female university graduates. the latest figures also show that women continue to be under-represented at senior levels (11% in natural sciences and 6% in engineering)


The WIST group looked at issues such as working conditions for women in industrial research, making recommendations on how to integrate diversity in industrial research management and proposing strategies for increasing the numbers of women involved in business research.


At the conference, companies such as Airbus, Hewlett-Packard, Shell and Xerox presented their strategies for recruiting and keeping on female researchers.


Figures are available at:



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