Könnun á högum vísindafólks í Evrópu



Framkvæmdstjórn Evrópusambandsins er að gera könnun á kjörum rannsóknarfólks í Evrópu. Markmið könnunarinnar er að kanna aðstæður vísindafólks í Evrópu og meta hvernig hægt sé að bæta og styðja við það fólk sem gerir vísindin að starfsframa sínum. Vísindafólk er hvatt til að taka þátt í þessari 5 mínútna könnun.

Framkvæmdstjórn Evrópusambandsins er að gera könnun á kjörum rannsóknarfólks í Evrópu. Markmið könnunarinnar er að kanna aðstæður vísindafólks í Evrópu og meta hvernig hægt sé að bæta og styðja við það fólk sem gerir vísindin að starfsframa sínum.

Það tekur um 5 mínútur að svara könnunni og fyllsta trúnaðar er gætt.

Við hvetjum allt vísindafólk til að taka þátt - sjá hér að neðan:


The Commission has just launched a survey on the remunerations of researchers in the public and business enterprise sectors to which I encourage you to contribute:


It is very short and will not take you more than five minutes to complete.

The questionnaire is available in many different languages. Below I include the explanatory text that appears on the survey website.


Dear Researcher,

The European Commission has launched a study to assess the remunerations of researchers in the public and business enterprise sectors in the European Union and countries Associated to the Community RTD Framework programme. In this context, a researcher is considered as any person who devotes at least 50% of her/his time in order to carry out research activities.

This study aims at obtaining a better understanding of the key elements of a researcher's career, with a view of improving the attractiveness of Europe for researchers. To achieve this, it is necessary to know gross and net remunerations of a large number of researchers, as well as certain related information. We would therefore invite you to take a few minutes to complete our "Online Questionnaire for Researchers", which you can access via the links provided below.

The questionnaire is anonymous and should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.

We would like to stress that your feedback is very important to us, because it will enable us to analyse and improve the adequacy of the Commission's R&D remuneration schemes, which will in extension, finally benefit you, the researchers.

All completed surveys shall remain strictly private and confidential and shall only be used for the purposes of this study.

In order to maximise the impact of the study, please, feel free to distribute this e-mail amongst your fellow researchers.

Thank you for your valued input.

Yours faithfully,
European Commission. DG Research

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