Rannsóknastaða í tölvunarfræði fyrir doktorsnema eða postdoc


´Tölvunarfræðideild Háskólans á Kýpur auglýsir lausar rannsóknastöður fyrir doktornema eða post-doc í eitt ár eða lengur


  The   Department of Computer   Science  intends to announce shortly  a number of  vacancies at the  level of Research  Associate (RA).  These RAs  will  join the research  group  of the   Software Engineering and Internet Technologies   (SEIT) Lab  (http://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/seit) and will  be  assigned to the     EU funded project  MUSIC  (Self-Adapting Applications for Mobile  Users in  Ubiquitous Computing Environments).


MUSIC   is  an Integrated  Project  (IP), funded  by   FP6 IST, with a duration of 42 months and  a budget of 14.5 MEUROs.  Its purpose is to develop an  open-source   framework facilitating  the development   of self-adapting, reconfigurable software.   The project is expected   to

commence in October 2006.


Each position is for 1 year, renewable  annually up to  the end of the project. The salary depends on  qualifications and previous experience and ranges  between 11,000 -  20,000 CY pounds per  annum (1 CY = 1.75 EUR).


These posts are  suitable for both holders of  a  doctorate degree who wish to pursue a post doc and for graduates who wish to pursue a Ph.D. For the former case, the perspective candidate should  have a Ph.D. in Computer Science and a number  of good  quality publications. For  the latter   case,  the perspective candidate   should  have  a B.Sc.  and preferably  also a  M.Sc.   in    Computer  Science and  evidence   of commitment    to  research.  In both cases,    the candidate should be sufficiently familiar in one or  more of the following areas: Software Engineering,  Parallel and  Distributed Systems,   Mobile Systems, Component-Based  Software  Development and  Middleware   Platforms, Internet and Service-Oriented Computing.


Potential  candidates are encouraged  to send  a full  CV to Professor

George A.  Papadopoulos    george@cs.ucy.ac.cy at  their   earliest convenience.


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