COST leiðbeiningar um matsferli nýrra umsókna


Nýjar leiðbeiningar um mat á umsóknum um ný COST netverkefni með skilafresti 28. mars  voru samþykktar á fundi CSO fulltrúa í Aþenu 12. mars sl.  sjá

Assessment, Monitoring, Final Evaluation and Dissemination of Results of COST Actions

"I am particularly proud" said Professor Francesco Fedi, President of the COST Committee of Senior Officials (CSO) "that - at its latest 170th meeting - the COST CSO approved the latest revision of the COST Guidelines for Assessment, Monitoring, Evaluation and Dissemination of Results of COST Actions.

These Guidelines are the result of a careful common effort of the entire COST community to fix a very rigorous procedure for:

 - the establishment of rules for avoiding conflicts of interest, for introducing a COST code of conduct and for adding further to the objectivity and transparency of the whole  assessment, monitoring and evaluation process;

 - the Assessment of proposals for new Actions, including the criteria followed in the assessment through peer-reviews by the assessors and the templates to be used by the proposers for the preparation of Preliminary Proposals and Full Proposals;

 - the Monitoring of Actions in progress, including the template for the preparation of the Progress Reports;

 - the Final Evaluation through peer-reviews of completed Actions, including the template for the preparation of the Final Evaluation Report;
- the Dissemination and Exploitation of the results obtained in COST Actions."

"The Guidelines were introduced to COST back in the year 2000 as the result of the activities of a Working Group established in 1999 by the CSO and formed by the Chairs of the then 12 COST Technical Committees. Since then, a number of revisions were introduced by the CSO. The latest revision was carried out by an "ad hoc" Working Group formed both by CSO members and Chairs of the COST Domain Committees. This revision was endorsed by the COST JAF Group in February 2008 and approved by the CSO in March 2008. With the approval of these Guidelines" concluded Professor Fedi "COST certainly establishes a milestone in its history and fully qualifies itself as an effective instrument for bottom-up networking research activities in the European Research Area".

The latest Guidelines are now available on the COST Guidelines page.


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