Að ná árangri í 6 RÁ Evrópusambandsins


Dr. Sean McCarthy frá Hyperion Ltd.mun halda dagsnámskeið um hvernig á að skrifa samkeppnishæfa umsókn í 6. rannsóknaráætlun ESB, auk þess sem hann kynnir 7. rannsóknaráætlunina og undirbúning fyrir hana.
Námskeiðið verður haldið 15. júni n.k. í stofu 101 í Háskólanum í Reykjavík, Ofanleiti 2 og þátttökugjald er kr. 15.000.-

How to Write a Competitive Proposal for Framework 6

Overview of the Course
The aim of this one day course is to train research managers and administrators in  writing professional and competitive proposals for the Sixth Framework Programme. The course describes the relevance of the Sixth Framework programme to EU policies, the common problems in proposal writing and the success criteria for proposals. The course provides tips on how to collect information, how to select strategic partners and how to avoid duplication in proposal writing. The final section describes a strategy for proposal writing. To read a detailed list of the topics covered please consult. http://www.hyperion.ie/FP6ProposalCourse.htm


Getting Ready for Framework 7

Overview of the Course
The aim of this short workshop is to train research managers and EU advisors on how to prepare for Framework 7. Framework 7 is expected to be launched in January 2007 but the preparation began in 2003. This workshop describes the process used to prepare the programme and it lists the organisations and individuals involved in the process. The workshop also provides a webpage so that participants can easily follow the development of the programme. To read a detailed list of the topics covered please consult. http://www.hyperion.ie/FP7GettingReady.htm


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