Þrjátíu COST verkefni samþykkt


Þrjátíu ný COST verkefni hafa verið samþykkt. Hér að neðan er listi yfir þau.

Tilgangur COST verkefna er að byggja upp samstarfsnet á ákveðnum rannsóknasviðum. Þátttakendur í COST verkefnum skiptast á reynslu og niðurstöðum í gegnum fundi og ráðstefnur, vinnustofur og heimsóknir. Verkefnið greiðir fyrir kostnað vegna ferða og ráðstefnuhalds en greiðir ekki kostnað við rannsóknaverkefnin sjálf. COST verkefni hafa oft leitt til áframhaldandi samstarfs á milli þátttakenda í styrkumsóknum í stærri verkefni.

Ísland getur tilnefnt tvo fulltrúa í hvert verkefni. Aðkoma að þessum verkefnum er mjög einföld og öllum opin fyrsta ár verkefnisins. Katrín Valgeirsdóttir á alþjóðasviði Rannís veitir allar nánari upplýsingar um COST.

Ný COST verkefni samþykkt í maí 2011  
Domain Title Proposal from 
BMBS European network for the study of dystonia syndromes IT
BMBS Ciliates as model systems to study genome evolution, mechanisms of non-Mendelian inheritance, and their roles in environmental adaptation IT
BMBS Arterial spin labelling Initiative in Dementia (AID) UK
BMBS Mass Spectrometry Imaging: New Tools for Healthcare Research NL
CMST Colloidal Aspects of Nanoscience for Innovative Processes and Materials PL
CMST Multivalent Glycosystems for Nanoscience - MultiGlycoNano CH
CMST Structure-based drug design for diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases: dissecting and modulating complex function in the monoaminergic systems of the brain UK
ESSEM Harmonizing Global Biodiversity Modelling (HarmBio) UK
ESSEM VALUE - Validating and Integrating Downscaling Methods for Climate Change Research DE
ESSEM Microbial ecology & the earth system: collaborating for insight and success with the new generation of sequencing tools UK
FA Omics Technologies for Crop Improvement, Traceability, Determination of Authenticity, Adulteration and Origin in Saffron ES
FA Optimising and standardising non-destructive imaging and spectroscopic methods to improve the determination of body composition and meat quality in farm animals Acronym: FAIM UK
FA Endophytes in Biotechnology and Agriculture DE
FPS Assessment, Reinforcement and Monitoring of Timber Structures CH
FPS Determining Invasiveness and Risk of Dothistroma (DIAROD) UK
ICT Optical Wireless Communications - An Emerging Technology TR
ICT Versatile, Integrated, and Signal-aware Technologies for Antennas (VISTA) DE
ICT Manufacturable and Dependable Multicore Architectures at Nanoscale IT
ISCH Climate Change and Migration: Knowledge, Law and Policy and Theory UK
ISCH Social services, welfare state and places. The restructuring of social services in Europe and its impacts on social and territorial cohesion and governance. IT
ISCH Adapting European health systems to diversity (ADAPT) NL
MPNS Biomedical Applications of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Technology IE
MPNS Chemical imaging by Coherent Raman microscopy - microCoR SE
MPNS Nanostructured materials for solid-state hydrogen storage IT
MPNS Polarization as a tool to study the Solar System and beyond FR
TDP (BMBS) A Collaborative European Network on Rabbit Genome Biology (RGB-Net) FR
TDP (CMST) Photosynthetic proteins for technological applications: biosensors and biochips (PHOTOTECH) IT
TDP (MPNS) European Network for Hyperpolarization Physics and Methodology in NMR and MRI UK
TUD Towards safer bicycling through optimization of bicycle helmets and usage SI
TUD Towards Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems UK

Operation and safety of tramways in interaction with public space


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