Workshop on good practice in doctoral studies


A conference on quality enhancement in higher education in Iceland will be held on 1 June at the University of Iceland (University Aula, Main Building) at 13:00-16:00.

Keynote speaker:
Prof. David Campbell, former Provost, Boston University

Other speakers:
Vice-Rector Jón Atli Benediktsson, University of Iceland
Prof. Guðrún Sævarsdóttir, Reykjavik University
Erna Sif Arnardóttir, current PhD student, University of Iceland/Landspitali University Hospital
Rajesh Rupakhety, PhD, Earthquake Engineering Research Centre University of Iceland

Everyone is welcome to attend and there is no registration fee.
The conference will be streamed live and the link is here.


13:00-13:10 Welcome
13:10-14:00 Dr. David Campbell
14:00-14:25 Dr. Jón Atli Benediktsson
14:25-14:50 Dr. Guðrún A. Sævarsdóttir
14:50-15:05 Erna Sif Arnardottir, PhD student
15:05-15:20 Dr. Rajesh Rupakhety
15:20-16:00 Open discussions

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