Námskeið um fjármála- og verkefnastjórnun H2020 verkefna


Þriðjudaginn 28. apríl kl. 9:00-17:00, standa Rannís og Enterprise Europe Network, í samvinnu við Berkley Associates, fyrir námskeiði um fjármála- og verkefnastjórnun H2020 verkefna. Námskeiðið verður haldið á Grand hótel Reykjavík.

Berkley Associates eru mjög reyndir ráðgjafar á þessu sviði og hafa þrisvar sinnum haldið námskeið hér á landi við góðar viðtökur.

Námskeiðsgjald er kr. 29.000 með hádegisverði og kaffiveitingum.
Skráning fer fram hér.

Námskeiðið fer fram á ensku og hér að neðan er nánari lýsing á því:

H2020 Project and Financial Management Seminar

This practical one day seminar will analyse the main challenges for project and financial managers with respect to the management of projects under Horizon 2020. It will draw on the experience of the presenters by the use of case studies and practical examples from FP7. In addition, the seminar will make use of new material such as the recent study by the Technopolis Group and PwC on the management of Framework Projects (Study on Assessing the Research Management Performance of Framework Programmes Projects).

Those participating in the seminar should gain a good understanding of the main project and financial management issues in H2020, as well as being able to take away practical tips and suggestions on how to manage research and innovation projects more effectively and efficiently. As well as providing valuable assistance during project implementation, a sound understanding of H2020 project and financial management issues will also provide participants with a vital aid in developing the key management sections of H2020 project proposals, leading to higher evaluation scores and higher proposal success rates.

Þetta vefsvæði byggir á Eplica