Áhættuþættir fyrir áverka á fremra krossband; lífaflfræðileg greining á aldurs- og kynbundnum breytingum og áhrifum fyrirbyggjandi þjálfunar. Framskyggn slembiröðuð samanburðarrannsókn - verkefni lokið

Fréttatilkynning verkefnisstjóra


Verkefnið var framhaldsrannsókn af annarri sem nýtti þrívíddargreiningu á hreyfingu ungra íþróttamanna. Þessi annar fasi rannsóknarinnar fólst í því að bjóða fyrri þátttakendum, sem komu fyrst sem 10-11 ára börn, að snúa aftur sem unglingar og endurtaka mælingarnar. Þannig var hægt að greina breytingar sem verða yfir þetta árabil mikils þroska, með áherslu á lífaflfræðilega þætti sem tengjast áhættu alvarlegra hnémeiðsla.

Verkefnið leiddi af sér nýjar aðferðir við að greina þessa tegund gagna, sem gera okkur betur kleift að skilja og greina áhættuþætti sem koma fram við flókna hreyfingu á broti úr sekúndu. Til að draga saman niðurstöður sem tengjast hættu á meiðslum, þá hreyfðu unglingsstúlkur sig oftar en drengir á þann hátt að það framkallaði ákveðinn áhættuþátt (kiðvægi í hné) í þeim tímaramma sem meiðslin eiga sér stað, enda þótt stærð þessara krafta hafi almennt verið hærri hjá drengjum. Framköllun þessara krafta virðist tengjast hreyfimynstrinu, sem gefur til kynna að fyrirbyggjandi þjálfun geti skilað árangri.


The project was the second phase of a prospective study that used motion capture and analysis to investigate movement patterns of young athletes. Specifically, this second phase invited prior participants, who had come in as 10- to 11-year-old children, to return as teenagers. This enabled us to see how movement patterns naturally develop during those years, with specific focus on biomechanical factors that have been linked to risk of serious knee injury. Importantly, the project led to the development of novel ways to analyse these types of data, that help explain the effects of specific aspects of a complex movement that occurs at a split second. To summarize findings relating to the development of injury risk factors, as teens female athletes more often than males moved in a way that induced a particular risk factor (frontal plane knee moment) within the expected injury timeframe, although those forces to the knee were generally larger in males. Importantly, this risk factor may to a large extent be explained by movement patterns, indicating the possibility of modifying the risk by training.

Information on how the results will be applied:
The results have led to greater understanding of injury risk factors to the knee and how prevention programs may address those to lower the incidence of serious knee injury, which has consequences in terms of knee health across the lifespan. The cohort is currently being followed by the research team to identify individuals who have gone on to have a serious knee injury (ongoing research) and their motion analysis data will be analysed in an attempt to identify predictors of injury.

A list of the project’s outputs:
Data and relevant codes for processing have been made available to facilitate replication and auditing of the results (https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.v8n3gv3 and https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/RSHJF)

Peer reviewed articles (all published open access):
• Sigurðsson HB, Sveinsson T, Briem K. Timing, not magnitude, of force may explain sex-dependent risk of ACL injury. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2018;26(8):2424-2429.
• Sigurðsson HB, Briem K. Cluster analysis successfully identifies clinically meaningful knee valgus moment patterns: Frequency of early peaks reflects sex-specific ACL injury incidence. J Exp Orthop. 2019, 9;6(1):37.
• Petrovic M, Sigurðsson HB, Sigurðsson HJ, Sveinsson T, Briem K. Effect of sex on ACL injury related biomechanics during the cutting maneuver in pre-adolescent athletes. Orthop J Sports Med 2020; 8(7)
• Sigurðsson HB, Karlsson J, Snyder-Mackler L, Briem K. Kinematic variables observed during ACL injury associated with large early peak knee abduction moments during a change of direction task in healthy adolescents. J Orthop Res 2021;39:2281-2290
• Daliet OJ, Briem K, Brynjólfsson S, Sigurðsson HB. Combined Effects of External Moments and Muscle Activations on ACL Loading during Numerical Simulations of a Female Model in OpenSim. Appl Sci 2021 DOI: 10.3390/app112411971
• Ghasemi M, Sigurðsson HB, Sveinsson Þ, Briem K. Boys demonstrate greater knee frontal moments than girls during the impact phase of cutting maneuvers, despite age-related increases in girls. KSSTA 2023 DOI: 10.1007/s00167-023-07340-z
• Jonasson G, Ghasemi M, Jonsdottir US, Briem K, Sveinsson Þ. Effects of gender and fatigue on strength and activity of gluteus medius muscle during a controlled cutting maneuver in preadolescent athletes. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 2023 DOI: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2023.102779
• Ghasemi M, Sigurðsson HB, Sveinsson Þ, Briem K. Influence of muscle strength and pre-activation levels on the knee frontal moment during the impact phase of cutting maneuvers [submitted by end of October to Orthop J Sports Med]

Heiti verkefnis: Áhættuþættir fyrir áverka á fremra krossband; lífaflfræðileg greining á
aldurs- og kynbundnum breytingum og áhrifum fyrirbyggjandi þjálfunar. Framskyggn slembiröðuð samanburðarrannsókn/ Risk of ACL injury; biomechanical analyses of the effects of maturation and influence of preventive training. A prospective cluster randomized trial
Verkefnisstjóri: Kristín Briem, Háskóla Íslands
Tegund styrks: Verkefnisstyrkur
Styrktímabil: 2018-2020
Fjárhæð styrks kr. 55.777.000
Tilvísunarnúmer Rannís: 185359

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