Áhrif efnaskipta á nýmyndun fjölsykrunga í æðaþeli - verkefni lokið
Fréttatilkynning verkefnisstjóra
The metabolic changes that occur in human pulmonary and human heart valve endothelial cells following stress stimulation and how these changes influence endothelial glycocalyx maintenance has been defined within metabolic network models. These models are computational tools that allow the effect of differences in blood nutrient profiles on endothelial metabolism to be investigated.
Applying these models to interpret plasma metabolomics profiles from patients with acute critical illness we showed that the critically ill can be stratified based upon their plasma nutrient and endothelial metabolic profiles. The work has led to better cellular biology models to study endothelial dysfunction, increased understanding of the endothelial metabolic response to stress and better understanding of the metabolic phenotypes that accompany acute critical illness.
Information on how the results will be applied:
Increased understanding of culturing endothelial cells will be applied to further study the endothelial stress response. The metabolic models will be applied to the future analysis of plasma metabolic profiles from patients with various endocrine disorders i.e. the models are not limited to the analysis of plasma metabolomics data from ACI patients. The knowledge gained on the different metabolic phenotypes in ACI patients will be used to propose therapeutic interventions that may lower mortality risk.
A list of the project’s outputs:
Twelve manuscripts of which eight are published in peer reviewed scientific journals.
Three genome scale metabolic models that formalize the metabolism of umbilical vein endothelial cells, pulmonary artery endothelial cells and heart valve endothelial cells.
Contributed to the career development of two post-doctoral researchers.
Contributed to the training of four PhD students.
Contributed to the training of three Msc students.
Contributed to the training of three BSc students.
Heiti verkefnis: Áhrif
efnaskipta á nýmyndun fjölsykrunga í æðaþeli/Endothelial metabolism and
glycocalyx maintenance
Verkefnisstjóri: Óttar Rolfsson, Háskóla Íslands
Tegund styrks: Verkefnisstyrkur
Styrktímabil: 2020-2022
Fjárhæð styrks kr. 55.965.000
Tilvísunarnúmer Rannsóknasjóðs: 207307