Sjónræn söfnunarverkefni með fjölda markáreita - verkefni lokið

Fréttatilkynning verkefnisstjóra


While many studies have involved visual search for single targets, studies involving search,or foraging, for many targets are far fewer. In three work packages involving novel foragingparadigms, we have assessed how humans explore multi-target environments, by involvingeye movement recordings and immersive virtual reality technologies. 

Overall, this project has cast light on (1) eye movement dynamics during multi-target foraging, both with finger and eye-gaze target selection, (2) the strategies used to explore complex visual environments composed of several items of differing value, and (3) individual differences in foraging strategy. By comparing the results to animal foraging research, we show how foraging strategies have evolved. Moreover, the examination of individual differences in oculomotor and attentional orienting have allowed identifying the optimal strategies for efficient multitarget foraging. Using cutting-edge technology for assessing attentional allocation in complex surroundings, this project has provided important insights into how observers orient in visual environments.

· Information on how the results will be applied.
Given the short period that has been dedicated to this project, we couldn’t examine all the
research questions that we had planned to test. We are however confident that the work that
we have done so far can provide important information about the evolution of foraging
behavior and about optimal strategies for efficient human foraging. Potential applications
could involve medical practice (e.g., “foraging” for a tumor on an X-ray) as well as video
games (e.g., optimal strategy for finishing a time-limited video game based on a foraging
task). The use of 3D environment could be a first tool for applying our work to the videogame field. And our collaboration (between Dr. Tagu and Dr. Kristjánsson) will continue,
building on this good start, and we have already laid the groundwork for this through the
generous support from this grant.

· A list of the project’s outputs:
Articles submitted to international peer-reviewed journals
- Tagu, J., & Kristjánsson, Á. (under review). The selection balance: contrasting value, proximity and priming in a multitarget foraging task. PsyArXiv, doi:10.31234/
- Thornton, I. M., Tagu, J., Zdravković, S., & Kristjánsson, Á. (in revision). The predation game:
does dividing attention affect patterns of human foraging? PsyArXiv, doi:10.31234/

Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals:
- Tagu, J., & Kristjánsson, Á. (2020). Dynamics of attentional and oculomotor orienting in visual
foraging tasks. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, doi:10.1177/1747021820919351

Communications in international conferences with abstract published in peer-reviewed
- Tagu, J., & Kristjánsson, Á. (accepted). The selection balance: how target value, proximity and
priming shape search strategy and eye movement dynamics during visual foraging. Vision Sciences Society 2021 Annual Meeting, 2021 May 21-26, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA.

Heiti verkefnis: Sjónræn söfnunarverkefni með fjölda markáreita/ Visual foraging or multiple targets
Verkefnisstjóri: Jérôme Tagu, Háskóla Íslands

Tegund styrks: Nýdoktorsstyrkur
Styrktímabil: 2020 (hlaut styrk til þriggja ára en fékk stöðu undir lok fyrsta styrkárs)
Fjárhæð styrks: 2,481 millj. kr. alls
Tilvísunarnúmer Rannís: 206744

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