Sýklódextrín nanóagnir fyrir markbundna lyfjagjöf í augu - verkefni lokið
Fréttatilkynning verkefnisstjóra
Markmið verkefnisins var að þróa augndropa fyrir
markbundna lyfjagjöf til sjónhimnu augans.
Aðferð: Kínasahemlar (KI) bæla vöxt nýrra æða hjá
sjúklingum með augnbotnahrörnun (Age related Macular Degeneration eða AMD). Kínasahemlar eru mjög torleysanlegir í
vatni en aðeins uppleyst lyf getur flætt frá yfirborði augans inn í augað. Því þarf
að beita aðferðum sem bæði auka leysanleika lyfjanna í táravökvanum og aðgengi lyfjanna frá
yfirborðinu inn í augað. Í þessu verkefni var náttúrulegt γ-sýklódextrín valið til að auka
vatnleysanleika og aðgengi kínasahemla. Myndaðar voru kínasahemla/γ-sýklódextrín fléttur og
flétturnar síðan hópaðar saman til að mynda vatnsleysanlegar nanóagnir sem bundust yfirborði
augans eftir gjöf augndropanna. Nanóagnirnar juku það magn lyfs sem frásogaðist inn í augað
og jók styrk þess í sjónhimnu. Auk γ-sýklódextríns innihéldu augndroparnir ýmsar
fjölliður og önnur hjálparefni sem auka geymsluþol augndropanna. Alls voru um 10 mismunandi
kínasahemlarar rannsakaðir.
Niðurstöður: Augndroparnir juku styrk kínasahemla í sjónhimnu og öðrum vefjum
augans. Sýnt var fram á að geymsluþol augndropanna var að minnsta kosti 6
mánuðir við
The most
leading cause of blindness, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) affects
elderly population worldwide. AMD is a neurodegenerative disease associated
with neovascularization in the posterior segment of the eye. Systemic drug
administration produces side effects while current drug delivery to the target
site requires a regular injection into the eye (intravitreal route). The
invasive technique leads burden and discomfort to patients. To avoid these
problems, topical ophthalmic formulation like eyedrop is favorable.
eyedrops do not reach the back of the eye due to inability of drugs. Previous studies have shown that cyclodextrin (CD) can self-assemble to form
nanoaggregates (diameter 20 to 200 nm), then nanoparticles and microparticles (diameter 1000
to 3000 nm) under certain conditions. This self-assembly formation behaves as non-invasive
platform for targeted drug delivery. Main objection of this project is to develop and test
aqueous eyedrops containing poorly soluble drugs in drug/CD nano- or micro-suspensions.
Material and method
The study will
involve formation of drug/CD nanoparticles, more specifically nanoparticles
containing kinase inhibitor (KI), and eyedrop formulations of such
nanoparticles in aqueous
particulated system containing stabilizers and other excipients. Nano- or
will be tested the physicochemical stability and required tests according to
the European
Pharmacopoeia. Finally, the formulation will be tested in rabbits.
In this
project, natural γCD was selected to increase the water solubility and
bioavailability of KIs. The complexes were initially prepared by mild heating technique. Aqueous
KI/γCD complexes were formed, then they were self-assembled to form water-soluble
nanoparticles which bound to the surface of the eye after topical administration. Supporting
techniques (i.e.addition of hydrophilic polymers, and salt formation with
acidic counter ion) can promote the solubilization and complexation of γCD on
KIs. KI salt was selected to formulate the eyedrop due to very high solubility.
According to the criteria for sterile product, the complex preparation changed
to autoclaving. Stabilizers were needed to prevent or retard the drug loss
under hightemperature process. In addition to γCD, the eyedrops containing
various polymers and other excipients can increase the shelf life of the eye
drops. The nanoparticles increased the amount of drug absorbed into the eye and
increased its concentration in the retina.
γCD along with
supportive technique could solubilize KI to reach the suitable solubility. A combination of stabilizers and other excipients such as polymer, and co-solvent
helped prevent drug degradation under heat process. Final micro-suspension was
stable over 6 months. This non-invasive product successfully delivered KI to
the targeted site.
• γCD platform has been proved to
deliver poorly soluble drug with not only small molecular weight (i.e., steroid) but also larger one (i.e., KI) to the back of
the eye.
• In vivo results support the design for testing on humans.
• The optimal formulation can be
a prototype for product development in industrial scale.
VII. Information on how the results will be applied
• The results of tested KIs,
hydrophilic polymers, acidic counter ions, and stabilizers can
be organized into a library for further aqueous γCD formulations.
• In vitro data will be useful for computer-aided product design.
• Basic modeling may be applied
to in vitro-in vivo studies and find their correlations.
VIII. A list of the project's outputs
• KIs can be solubilized by using
γCD as complexing agent.
• Hydrophilic polymers help
enhance the solubilization and complexation of γCD on KIs via synergist effect.
• γCD increases the drug
solubility even further when acidic counter ions are used due to salt formation and charge-charge interaction.
• Stabilizers can prevent or
retard thermal degradation of KI during autoclaving.
• Successful eyedrop
micro-suspension containing aqueous γCD nanoparticles can deliver KI to the back of the eye.
verkefnis: Sýklódextrín nanóagnir fyrir markbundna lyfjagjöf í augu/Cyclodextrin
nanoparticles for targeted ocular delivery of kinase inhibitors
Pitsiree Praphanwittaya, Háskóla Íslands
Tegund styrks: Doktorsnemastyrkur
Styrktímabil: 2017-2019
Fjárhæð styrks: 14,945 millj. kr. alls
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