Hreyfing, þrek, holdafar og efnaskiptaheilsa íslenskra barna með þroskahömlun (HEALTH-ID) - verkefni lokið

Fréttatilkynning verkefnisstjóra


The overall aim of this research project was to investigate physical activity (PA), aerobic fitness, body composition, metabolic risk factors, and cognitive function among children and adolescents with intellectual disability (ID). 

Heiti verkefnis: Hreyfing, þrek, holdafar og efnaskiptaheilsa íslenskra barna með þroskahömlun (HEALTH-ID)
Verkefnisstjóri: Sigurbjörn Árni Arngrímsson, Háskóla Íslands

Tegund styrks: Verkefnisstyrkur
Styrkár: 2012-2014
Fjárhæð styrks: 16,861 millj. kr. alls
Tilvísunarnúmer Rannís:  120431

A sample of 91 child with ID and a randomly selected age- and sex-matched group of 93 typically developed children participated. Children with ID had poorer body composition and a higher proportion (13%) was classified as obese compared to TD children (2%). Only 25% of children with ID achieved the recommended levels for fitness, whereas the same proportion was 75% among TD children. Over 20% of the children with ID had elevated waist circumference, 34% elevated blood pressure, 13-21% elevated metabolic risk factors in the blood, and 7% were diagnosed with metabolic syndrome. These prevalences were lower among the TDI children. No children with ID reached the recommended daily 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous PA (MVPA) compared to 40% of the TD children. Children with ID were 40% less physically active and spent 9% more time sedentary than their TDI peers. TD boys were more active and less sedentary than TD girls, but no sex differences were found among children with ID on any PA variable. In addition, there was no difference between weekday PA and weekend PA among children with ID. Both sexes with ID were more active and less sedentary during school than before/after school but no difference was found among 

TDI children. Children with ID (60%) were more likely to name weight loss as a reason to participate in PA than TDI children (34%) but a higher proportion (96%) of TDI children than children with ID (50%) participated in PA to improve skills. All cognitive test scores diverged significantly between the TD and ID groups over the age range, with more pronounced divergence in more complex cognitive functions. Variance within the TD group was lower, indicating that TD children develop cognitive functions more predictably as they age. Physical condition of children with ID is poor and inferior to their TDI peers. PA of children with ID is considerably lower than that among their TDI peers, and there seem to be no sex differences in PA and PA patterns among children with ID. Furthermore, Children with ID depend more on schools to accumulate their PA and their reasons for PA participation differ from TDI children, which needs to be considered when designing and implementing PA promotion campaigns among children with ID. Finally, Visuo-spatial working memory capacity may be particularly useful as a quick, non-verbal, objective test for cognitive developmental assessment.

B) Information on how the results will be applied

The health and PA information collected here is the first to be collected in such a large sample among children with ID worldwide. All the information from the study can be used by health and educational authorities in Iceland to develop tools and programs to more effectively enhance the general health and well-being among children with ID. Specifically, the fact that no children with ID meet the recommended daily MVPA calls for a special PA promotion campaigns in this group. The needs and desires of this group with regards to PA presented by this project must be considered when designing and implementing such campaigns. The education of future physical education teachers graduating from the University of Iceland has already been modified based on the results from this study. The parents/legal guardians of children with ID must also be educated about the importance of MVPA. The results from the cognitive tests demonstrate that Visuospatial working memory capacity can be used as a quick, non-verbal, objective test for cognitive screening in schools. Furthermore, the cognitive results shed light on the ongoing argument whether and at what age children with ID should be integrated into regular schools.

C) A list of the projects output

From this project two peer-reviewed papers have already been published, two are in review, and two are in the writing process. At least additional 2-4 peer-reviewed papers are expected to be published from this data set as well. Three master´s theses have been published and one doctoral dissertation will be published from the data set. Finally, the data from this project has been presented 21 times orally or by posters at national and international professional meetings.

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