Samspil bragkerfis, hljóðkerfis og setningagerðar - verkefnislok


The goal of this project is a comprehensive analysis of three major types of old Icelandic poetry from different perspectives and the development of research methods for the analysis of other texts.

Heiti verkefnis: Samspil bragkerfis, hljóðkerfis og setningagerðar
Verkefnisstjóri:  Þórhallur Eyþórsson, Háskóla Íslands
Tegund styrks: Verkefnisstyrkur
Styrkár: 2009-2011
Styrkfjárhæð: 18,923 millj. kr. alls

The resulting product from the project is the database Greinir skáldskapar – a tagged corpus of Old Norse-Icelandic poetry, containing electronic texts of the Edda, skaldic poetry and rímur (Bjarki Karlsson, & Thórhallur Eythórsson, 2012; This is a unique research tool, enabling an integrated search in terms of lemmata, morphology, syntax, phonology, metrics and other categories. The database will serve the wider community of linguistics, and it has already proved its value as a unique research tool, offering a combinatory search of linguistic and metrical factors from different domains. The research output which has so far made use of this tool includes published articles, reports and conference papers, as well as workshop presentations and networking.

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