Nýir GH17 beta-transglúkosidasar - verkefni lokið

Fréttatilkynning verkefnisstjóra


Bygging og eiginleikar áhugaverðra transglúkósdasa sem finnast í ýmsum tegundum  purpurabaktería og  ummynda beta-glucan fjöl- og fásykrur voru kannaðir í verkefninu.

Press release in English

The functional and structural properties of different types of trans-glucosidases of family GH17 from Proteobacteria were studied. These enzymes can either elongate or form branches on beta-glucans. Substrate specificities concerning donors/acceptors and influence of substrate chain length and structure on product complexity were investigated and structural determinants for the different functional properties were postulated by analysis and comparisons of the 3D structural models.  The importance of particular residues on catalytic activity were tested by site directed mutagenesis and residues identified that could influence certain activities, such as elongation vs. branching, and branch length and cleavage relative to reducing- or non-reducing end. Results of the project, were published in Glycobiology (2015) on the functional properties of one of the enzymes. A patent was applied for the enzyme as the characteristics were deemed to be unique and of industrial value (obtained 2017). Results were presented in invited talks in 3 international conferences (2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017) and in the Icelandic Biological conference (2016).  The activity of the enzymes studied in this project have highly interesting innovative uses for increasing bioactivity of beta-glucan as food supplements and are central to additional investigations of Matis in two EU-projects, the EraNetMBT project, Mar3Bio (2016-2019) and the H2020 BBI project MacroCascade (2016-2020). 

Press release in Icelandic

Bygging og eiginleikar áhugaverðra transglúkósdasa sem finnast í ýmsum tegundum  purpurabaktería og  ummynda beta-glucan fjöl- og fásykrur voru kannaðir í verkefninu. Þessi ensím tilheyra ákveðinni fjölskyldu sykrurofs-ensíma, GH17, og geta ýmist lengt eða myndað greinar á beta-glucan fásykrum og fjölsykrum. Sérvirkni þeirra var könnuð með tilliti til tegunda mögulegra gjafa og þega fásykra, mismunandi byggingar afurða og greina-lengda, gerðar sykrutengis og stöðu myndaðra greina á aðalkeðju.  Ensímin sýndu mikinn mun í sérvirkni varðandi hvarf- og  myndefni, hlutfalli milli vatnsrofs og sykruflutnings, og í gerð  myndaðra  tengja. Þrívíddarlíkön voru gerð af ensímunum og  byggingarfræðilegir þættir skilgreindir sem skýrðu virknimun ensímanna. Framkallaðar voru stýrðar  stökkbreytingar til að ákvarða lykil-amínósýrur í hvötunarhvörfum. Niðurstöður rannsókna voru kynntar á innlendum og alþjóðlegum ráðstefnum og birtar í vísindatímaritum. Einkaleyfi var fengið fyrir eitt þessara ensíma til umbreytinga og framleiðslu á flóknum lífvirkum  beta-glucan fjölsykrum og fásykrum. Slíkar sykrur hafa mikla hagnýtingarmöguleika á ýmsum sviðum og frekari rannsóknir á eiginleikum þessara ensíma og hagnýtingu þeirra eru hafnar í tveimur nýlegum Evrópusambands-verkefnum sem Matís er þátttakandi í. 

A list of the project’s outputs. 

1.            Two papers on published and one ready for submittance
2.            Patent on one of the enzyme
3.            Four presentations in conferences
a.            Guðmundur Hreggviðsson. 2015. A bacterial beta-transglucosidase – a true beta-glucan branching enzyme. The Icelandic biology conference, Reykjavik. 2016.
b.            Gudmundur Hreggvidsson. Application of enzymes in biorefineries. The 9th European Conference on Marine Natural Products. Aug 30-Sept 3, 201, Glasgow, Scotland. Invited speaker
c.            Gudmundur Óli Hreggvidsson. Searching for beta-glucan “branching” enzymes. Satellite Meeting of CBM12. Copenhagen, Denmark, 20 & 21 April, 2017. Invited speaker
d.            Gudmundur Óli Hreggvidsson. 2017. A search for beta-glucan branching enzymes – Genomic bioprospecting through enzyme development to patenting.  NorZymeD: Innovative enzyme technology for the Norwegian bioeconomy – Annual seminar. August 23, Bergen, Norway. Plenary speaker.
4.            Important input into to two EU-projects (EU-EraNetMBT, Mar3Bio & H2020 BBI Macrocascade)– Applicative studies on the enzymes based on project results 

Heiti verkefnis: Novel GH17 beta-transglucosidases / Nýir GH17 beta-transglúkosidasar
Verkefnisstjóri: Guðmundur Hreggviðsson, Matís ohf.
Tegund styrks: Verkefnisstyrkur
Styrkár: 2014-2016
Fjárhæð styrks: 30 millj. kr. alls
Tilvísunarnúmer Rannís: 141341

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