Rannsóknasjóður: 2017

26.10.2017 : Algrím til reikninga á Lyapunov föllum - verkefni lokið

The results of the project were presented at international conferences and published in two peer reviewed ISI journals articles and six peer reviewd conference proceedings contributions.

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28.9.2017 : Uppröðun og hreyfifræði í varmavirkum nanómynstruðum segulkerfum - verkefni lokið

The results obtained in the project will be further used for theoretical understanding of the physics of interacting and frustrated systems, developing magnetic materials and creating new systems of artificial spin arrangements.

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5.9.2017 : Efnasambönd og framboð fyrir örverur í jarðhitavatni - verkefni lokið

Our data suggests that in particular in water with pH~6 and above, Fe speciation may be controlled by equilibrium with Fe(III) hydroxide solid phase, but in acid waters equilibrium may not have been reached with Fe(II) and Fe(III) being controlled by other factors such as source(s), kinetics, and microbial reactions. 

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16.8.2017 : Samspil hýsla og sýkla í samfélögum botnlægra kísilþörunga og tegunda úr fylkingum Chytridimycota, Oomycota og Labyrinthulomycota í sjó og ísöltu umhverfi - verkefni lokið

The results have been internationally recognized and particularly the research related to host-parasite interactions will be continued on international level.

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10.8.2017 : Hlutverk umritunarþáttarins p63 í þekju efri loftvega - verkefni lokið

Bronchial epithelial differentiation and epithelial repair are critical in the pathogenesis of several lung diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary fibrosis and lung cancer. Therefore, it is important to understand the molecular events regulating the hierarchical differentiation steps and repair mechanisms in airway epithelia. 

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10.8.2017 : SFC haglíkan - verkefni lokið

A research project to develop a stock-flow-consistent (SFC) model of the Icelandic economy has now been completed. With this model it´s possible to capture the destabilising role of international credit in small economies like Iceland and provide understanding for the sudden stop of capital flows that followed. 

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6.7.2017 : Námsumhverfi menntunar án aðgreiningar og félagslegs réttlætis: Sögur um velgengni nemenda af erlendum uppruna og skóla á Íslandi - lok verkefnis

The research project (2013-2015), Learning spaces for inclusion and social justice: Success stories from immigrant students and school communities in Iceland integrates four subthemes and main research areas: Experiences and aspirations of immigrant students; Teachers professional development, pedagogy and teaching practices; Leadership, collaboration and school cultures; and Policies and curricula.

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5.7.2017 : Klínískar rannsóknir á góðkynja einstofna mótefnahækkun, með áherslu á fylgikvilla og horfur - verkefni lokið

Multiple myeloma (MM) is an incurable B-cell malignancy, and is always preceded by a monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), where patients have an M-protein on electrophoresis, but no sign of a malignant disorder. In this project we evaluated several important aspects in MGUS, with focus on complications and prognosis.

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30.6.2017 : Rannsóknir á hvataðri myndun þíósíanats - verkefni lokið

A key result from this project is the identification of a lead compound fulfilling the required properties for further development as an emergency treatment for cyanide poisoning. 

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29.6.2017 : Bose, Fermi and hybrid systems for spintronics - verkefni lokið

In this project we performed theoretical research on the spin dynamics of electrons, holes, excitons, and cavity polaritons in different types of mesoscopic structures.

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23.6.2017 : Jarðhiti og krabbamein - verkefni lokið

Rannsóknasjóður hefur um þriggja ára skeið styrkt rannsóknir á doktorsverkefninu Jarðhiti og krabbamein, sem nú er lokið. Rannsóknarspurningin vaknar því erlendar rannsóknir hafa sýnt að búseta á jarðhita- og eldfjallasvæðum tengist hærri tíðni ákveðinna tegunda krabbameina. Markmiðið var að rannsaka tengsl búsetu á jarðhitasvæðum og tíðni krabbameina á Íslandi.

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21.6.2017 : Hin góða móðir: Orðræður og upplifun - verkefni lokið

The objective of this study was to gain a better understanding of dominant discourses on mothering in Iceland, and to contribute to international scientific dialogue on motherhood and experiences of mothering. 

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26.5.2017 : Áhrif íslenska efnahagshrunsins á heilsufar - verkefni lokið

The overarching objective of the project was to evaluate health consequences of the economic collapse of 2008 in the Icelandic population and to identify determinants of observed health changes. 

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24.5.2017 : Kynning á Rannsóknasjóði

Miðvikudaginn 31. maí kl. 13:00-14:00, Borgartúni 30, 3. hæð. Kynningarfundurinn er opinn og allir áhugasamir velkomnir. 

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24.5.2017 : Klaustur á Íslandi (Monasticism in Iceland) - verkefni lokið

The aim of the project was to explore and map the monasteries and nunneries that were run in Iceland from AD 1000 to 1550. New data on their existence was collected through literary examination, recording of relics and surveying. 

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22.5.2017 : Defining the metabolic alterations that underlie the epithelial to mesenchymal transition - verkefni lokið

We, researchers at the Center for System Biology in the University of Iceland, have built a computational model to understand the metabolism of breast epithelium. The model aims to understand the metabolic alteration during epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) which is an important event during development and cancer metastasis.

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15.5.2017 : Rannsókna- og nýsköpunarsvið Rannís heldur kynningarfund á Akureyri

Rannsókna- og nýsköpunarsvið Rannís boðar til fundar 16. maí n.k. kl. 13:00 í stofu M201 Háskólanum á Akureyri um styrki til rannsókna og nýsköpunar.

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3.4.2017 : Hlutverk lágorkurafeinda í örtækniprentun yfirborða með skörpum rafeindageisla - verkefni lokið

Markmið verkefnisins var að afla gagna til að meta samhengið á milli samsetningar þeirra efna sem notuð eru í FEBID og þeirrar upplausnar sem hægt er að ná með þeim og hreinleika úrfellinganna. Í stuttu máli; að leggja grunn að skilningi á samhenginu á milli samsetningar efnanna og hentugleika þeirra í FEBID með það fyrir augum að byggja upp vegvísi fyrir efnasmíðar á FEBID efnum sem henta til að ná betri upplausn og hærri hreinleika en mögulegt er í dag.

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29.3.2017 : Mæling á vinnuálagi í flugumferðarstjórn með talgreiningu - verkefni lokið

The main results of this project is a large database that allows researchers to characterize cognitive workload in terms of voice and cardiovascular reactivity taking into account the personality trait and cognitive capacity of each individual.

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29.3.2017 : Loftaflfræðihönnun með hraðvirkum bestunaraðferðum byggðar á eðlisfræðilíkönum - verkefni lokið

Nákvæm loftaflfræðilíkön þurfa langan reiknitíma og geta því ekki verið notuð beint í sjálfvirkum bestunar- og hönnunaraðferðum, sérstaklega ef notuð eru hefðbundin bestunaralgrím. Þess vegna er mikil þörf fyrir hraðvirkar bestunaraðferðir sem þurfa lágmarks notkun á nákvæmum og seinvirkum loftaflfræðilíkönum.

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27.3.2017 : Framleiðsla lífefna úr þangi með hitakærum örverum - verkefni lokið

Thermopiles are of particular interest for utilization in biorefineries for their robustness and high tolerance to extreme environments, among other features.

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24.3.2017 : Þjálfun íslensks máls og menningar í Sýndar-Reykjavík - verkefni lokið

A pilot study with a focus group of learners confirms the potential of the technology, by demonstrating that it is easy to use, provides relatively convincing voice and behavior and provides help with starting to speak the language.

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20.3.2017 : Vélindabakflæði að nóttu, kæfisvefn og öndunarfærakvillar - verkefni lokið

Nocturnal gastroesophageal reflux (nGER) is associated with respiratory symptoms and sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), but a causal relationship has not been established. We aimed to investigate the association between nGER and respiratory and SDB symptoms, as well as changes in lung function, sleep study and respiratory biomarkers.

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20.3.2017 : Tengsl háþrýstings og sykursýki móður á meðgöngu við náms- og taugaþroska barns: lýðgrunduð rannsókn - verkefni lokið

This project focused maternal risk factors for hypertensive disorders during pregnancy and the potential effects hypertensive disorders (preeclampsia) on childhood neurodevelopmental outcomes. 

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17.3.2017 : Líffélagsleg tengsl - verkefni lokið

The main application is that of demonstrating the relevance of biosocialities-and-hierarchies perspective for the purpose of resolving ethical and social dilemmas in biopolitics; of particular relevance are Prainsack's works on “solidarity” and Pálsson's works on “geosociality” and “geopolitics”.

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17.3.2017 : Mál, málbreytingar og menningarleg sjálfsmynd - verkefni lokið

Meginmarkmið verkefnisins voru tvö: Í fyrsta lagi að draga saman og greina gögn um íslensku og þróun hennar sem erfðarmáls (e. heritage language) í Norður Ameríku og bera þetta mál (vesturíslensku) saman við þá íslensku sem er og hefur verið töluð á Íslandi. Í öðru lagi var ætlunin að draga saman og greina gögn um menningarlega sjálfsmynd Vestur-Íslendinga á ýmsum tímum, einkum með hliðsjón af því hvaða hlutverki íslenskan gegndi í þessari sjálfsmynd. 

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17.3.2017 : Ómur tilfinninga í miðaldabókmenntum - verkefni lokið

The main aims of the project were to address the multiplicity and interrelation of emotion and voice in medieval literature through a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary approach.  

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15.3.2017 : Hlutverk miRNA í þroskunarstjórn höfuðbeina: Meginþemu út frá breytileika í náttúrulegum bleikjustofnum Þingvallavatns - verkefni lokið

Small RNA-sequencing analysis of four developmental time points in two contrasting Arctic charr morphologies showed that 53 known and 19 novel miRNAs have significantly different levels of expression.

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14.3.2017 : Nýstárlegar PKS-NRPS-genaþyrpingar úr samlífisbakteríum - verkefni lokið

The results of this project are relevant to both natural and possible industrial synthesis of unusual natural products with high bioactivities and specificities.

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13.3.2017 : Virkjun TORC1 í sortuæxlum: Hlutverk Proton-assisted Amino acid Transporter 1 (PAT1) og Microphthalm associated transcription factor (MITF) - lok verkefnis

Meginspurningar okkar eru hvernig sambandi sjálfsáts og krabbameinsáhættu er háttað í mönnum, auk þess hvort nýta megi ferlið sem lyfjamark í krabbameinsmeðferðum. 

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13.3.2017 : Heiti verkefnis: Þróun á veiruferjum til bólusetninga gegn sumarexemi í hestum - verkefni lokið

Markmið verkefnisins „Development of viral vectors for immune therapy of horses with insect bite“ var að hanna veiruferjur með ofnæmisvakagen úr Culicoides spp. smámýi og nota til forvarnabólusetninga eða afnæmingu gegn SE. 

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13.3.2017 : Erfðamengi, vistfræði og þróun grunnvatnsmarflóarinnar Crangonyx islandicus - verkefnislok

The results provides information about a poorly known ecosystem and species diversity in Icelandic groundwater and the connectivity of the groundwater systems within Iceland.

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13.3.2017 : Rof á mRNA með RNA pólímerasa II í lengingarferli umritunar - verkefni lokið

Í verkefninu var lengingarferill RNA pólímerasa II (RNAPII) skoðaður með sérstaka áherslu á hvernig RNAPII getur rofið nýmyndað mRNA og hvernig lengingarþáttur umritunar TFIIS/TCEA1 getur hjálpað til við það. Þetta rof á sér helst stað þegar RNAPII hefur stöðvast í lengingarferlinu t.d. vegna DNA skemmda. 

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6.3.2017 : Hlutverk púrína í stjórnun á losun frumuboðefna og jónaflutninga um litþekju augans - verkefni lokið

The main aim of this project was to gain further understanding of the role of purines in the physiological function of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) in controlling the release of cytokines and the transepithelial ion transport, and which thus may shed light on diseases that affect the retina and the RPE. 

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6.3.2017 : Lögverndun "ókunns höfundar": Félagsleg sköpun og hugverkaréttur - verkefni lokið

The project combines organizational ethnography with archival research and critical genealogy to investigate the various systems of subjection hidden in plain view in legal regimes of copyright and discursive regimes of authorship. Its aim is to shed critical light on normative understandings of creativity that control the circulation of culture and open the door to alternative ways of conceiving creative agency, beyond the figures of the author and the folk. 

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6.3.2017 : Skilgreining áhættuþátta fyrir sjálfsofnæmissjúkdóma - verkefni lokið

The aim of the project was to examine, in a comprehensive manner, the relationship between sequence variants in the human genome and the risk of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. 

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1.3.2017 : Háorkujóssundrun sameinda, rannsóknir og þróun - verkefni lokið

The project dealt with explorations as well as developments of methods to study properties of highly energized molecules with respect to splitting into molecular fragments and ions. 

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28.2.2017 : Recombinant BCG expressing Pasteurella antigens - verkefni lokið

The aim of the project was to develop a recombinant vaccine delivery system, capable of inducing protective immune responses against Pasteurella bacteria in sheep. 

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28.2.2017 : Tengsl landnotkunar og verndar farfugla á láglendi Íslands - verkefnislok

Verkefnið snerist um að kanna tengsl vaðfuglastofna við landbúnað svo samræma megi náttúruvernd og landbúnaðarframleiðslu sem best.

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27.2.2017 : Tölvustuddar hermunaraðferðir fyrir skilvirka hönnun og líkanagerð á hornsönnum og flötum framendum fasaðra loftneta - verkefnislok

Niðurstöður verkefnisins ættu að vera áhugaverðar fyrir loftnetsverkfræðinga og hönnuði sem fást við fösuð loftnet en einnig gætu niðurstöðu verkefnisins nýst í t.d. örbylgju-verkfræði.

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