Góður árangur Íslands í NordForsk áætlun er snýr að velferð barna og ungmenna á Norðurlöndum eftir heimsfaraldur
Markmiðið var meðal annars að styðja við rannsóknir sem auka þekkingu á hvernig hægt er að milda áhrif heimsfaraldursins á velferð barna og ungmenna.
Alls bárust 63 gildar umsóknir og voru átta verkefni samþykkt með þátttöku frá öllum Norðurlöndunum. Heildarupphæðin er um 87 milljónir norskar krónur til þessara verkefna. Af þessum átta verkefnum tekur Ísland þátt í sex þeirra og er það einstaklega gott árangurshlutfall. Alls falla því íslensku vísindasamfélagi í skaut rúmar 11 milljónir norskra króna í þessum sex verkefnum.
Verkefnin sem voru styrkt eru:
- Children First: Nordic policies and children's well-being (ChildrenFirst)
Project leader: Mia Hakovirta, University of Turku, Finland
Participating countries: Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland
- Children's and adolescents' responses to the pandemic–future risks of increasing inequalities in learning and mental health (YoungEqual)
Project leader: Curt Hagquist, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Participating countries: Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland
- Education of Refugees and Asylum Seekers under and post the Pandemic in Nordic Countries (ERAPAN)
Project leader: Hanne Riese, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Participating countries: Norway, Finland, Sweden
- Exploring Practices in Early Childhood of Tomorrow Develop resilience in social sustainable childhoods after Covid-19 (EXPECT)
Project leader: Ole Henrik Hansen, Jönköping University, Sweden
Participating countries: Sweden, Iceland, Finland, Denmark, Norway
- Mental health and life satisfaction among youth with disabilities and experiences of services in the post-pandemic period (D-youth)
Project leader: Minna-Liisa Luoma, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland
Participating countries: Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden
- Post-pandemic mental health: Risk and resilience in young people (covidmentYOUNG)
Project leader: Helga Ask, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Norway
Participating countries: Norway, Iceland, Sweden, Denmark
- Post-Pandemic Vulnerability and Resilience: A bioecological approach towards youth wellbeing in Nordic schools and communities (SISU)
Project leader: Agnieszka Butwicka, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Participating countries: Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Norway
- Psychosocial problems, service barriers, participation and interventions during crises: solutions for children and young people (CrisesSolutions)
Project leader: Andre Sourander, University of Turku, Finland
Participating countries: Finland, Iceland, Finland, Norway