Menntun til framtíðar - norrænt öndvegissetur


Í september 2012 verður lýst eftir umsóknum um norrænt öndvegissetur í rannsóknum á sviði menntavísinda. Nánari upplýsingar má fá á ensku hér að neðan.

Preannouncement within the programme Education for Tomorrow - Nordic Centre of Excellence

NordForsk in collaboration with the Academy of Finland; Swedish Research Council; The Research Council of Norway; The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Iceland; The Danish Council for Strategic Research and the Nordic Council of Ministers will issue a call for proposals for a Nordic Centre of Excellence in the Nordic programme Education for Tomorrow in early September 2012.

The programme's main objectives are to strengthen educational research, contribute to a knowledge-based policy for the educational sector and to disseminate the results widely.

Many aspects of our society have evolved significantly. Society has become more diverse, individualistic, digital, multicultural and global - all of which profoundly affects the preconditions for learning. There is a wide-ranging demand for competence-building emerging in a variety of new and traditional arenas and various contexts, accompanied by a continual reassessment of social and moral value systems.

What are the premises for teaching and learning in the future, for education and the welfare society, for internationalisation and governance of the educational systems, and for inclusion and equal access? What should the Nordic response be as education becomes increasingly global and the 21st century rapidly progresses?

Read more about the The Nordic Centre of Excellence concept here.

Read more about the programme Education for Tomorrow here.

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