Ný COST verkefni samþykkt


Nú hafa 40 ný COST verkefni verið samþykkt, en tilgangur verkefnanna er að byggja upp samstarfsnet á ákveðnum rannsóknasviðum.

Þátttakendur í COST verkefnum skiptast á reynslu og niðurstöðum í gegnum fundi og ráðstefnur, vinnustofur og heimsóknir.  Verkefnið greiðir fyrir kostnað vegna ferða og ráðstefnuhalds en greiðir ekki kostnað við rannsóknaverkefnin sjálf.  COST verkefni hafa oft leitt til áframhaldandi samstarfs á milli þátttakenda í styrkumsóknum í stærri verkefni.

Ísland getur tilnefnt tvo fulltrúa í hvert verkefni.  Aðkoma að COST verkefnum er einföld og öllum opin fyrsta ár verkefnisins.

Nánari upplýsingar um umsóknarferlið veitir Katrín Valgeirsdóttur hjá Rannís, sem hefur umsjón með COST á Íslandi. Nánar um COST hér.

Eftirtalin verkefni voru samþykkt síðari hluta árs 2014:

Númer Heiti verkefnis og tengill
BM1405 Non-globular proteins - from sequence to structure, function and application in molecular physiopathology (NGP-NET)
BM1406 Ion Channels and Immune Response toward a global understanding of immune cell physiology and for new therapeutic approaches (IONCHAN-IMMUNRESPON)
BM1407 Translational research in primary ciliary dyskinesia - bench, bedside, and population perspectives (BEAT-PCD)
BM1408 A collaborative European network of C. elegans early-stage researchers and young principal investigators (GENiE)
FA1405 Using three-way interactions between plants, microbes and arthropods to enhance crop protection and production
FA1406 Advancing knowledge on seaweed growth and development
FA1407 Application of next generation sequencing for the study and diagnosis of plant viral diseases in agriculture
FA1408 A European Network for Foodborne Parasites (Euro-FBP)
FP1405 Active and intelligent (fibre-based) packaging - innovation and market introduction [ActInPak]
FP1406 Pine pitch canker - strategies for management of Gibberella Circinata in greenhouses and forests (PINESTRENGTH)
FP1407 Understanding wood modification through an integrated scientific and environmental impact approach (ModWoodLife)
MP1404 Simulation and pharmaceutical technologies for advanced patient-tailored inhaled medicines (SimInhale)
MP1405 Quantum structure of spacetime (QSPACE)
MP1406 Multiscale in modelling and validation for solar photovoltaics (MultiscaleSolar)
MP1407 Electrochemical processing methodologies and corrosion protection for device and systems miniaturization (e-MINDS)
CM1404 Chemistry of Smart Energy Carriers and Technologies (SMARTCATS)
CM1405 Molecules in motion (MOLIM)
CM1406 Epigenetic Chemical Biology (EPICHEM)
CM1407 Challenging organic syntheses inspired by nature - from natural products chemistry to drug discovery
ES1405 Marine gas hydrate - an indigenous resource of natural gas for Europe (MIGRATE)
ES1406 Key to Soil Organic Matter Dynamics and Modelling (KEYSOM)
ES1407 European network for innovative recovery strategies of rare earth and other critical metals from electric and electronic waste (ReCreew)
ES1408 European network for algal-bioproducts (EUALGAE)
IC1405 Reversible computation - extending horizons of computing
IC1406 High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (cHiPSet)
IC1407 Advanced characterisation and classification of radiated emissions in densely integrated technologies (ACCREDIT)
IC1408 Computationally-intensive methods for the robust analysis of non-standard data
TU1405 European network for shallow geothermal energy applications in buildings and infrastructures (GABI)
TU1406 Quality specifications for roadway bridges, standardization at a European level (BridgeSpec)
TU1407 Scientific and technical innovations for safer Powered Two Wheelers (PTW)
TU1408 Air Transport and Regional Development (ATARD)
IS1406 Enhancing children's oral language skills across Europe and beyond - a collaboration focusing on interventions for children with difficulties learning their first language
IS1407 Ancient European languages and writings (AELAW)
IS1408 Industrially Contaminated Sites and Health Network (ICSHNet)
IS1409 Gender and health impacts of policies extending working life in western countries
IS1410 The digital literacy and multimodal practices of young children (DigiLitEY)
TD1406 Innovation in Intelligent Management of Heritage Buildings (i2MHB)
TD1407 Network on technology-critical elements – from environmental processes to human health threats
TD1408 Interdisciplinarity in research programming and funding cycles (INTREPID)
TD1409 Mathematics for industry network (MI-NET)

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