Opin vefstofa: Gender Equality in academia: Policy versus Reality


Vefstofan er haldin í samvinnu við Rannís, Kaupmannahafnarháskóla, Gautaborgarháskóla og OeAD og fer fram á netinu 7. júní nk. frá kl. 11:00-12:00 að íslenskum tíma. 


  • Michaela Gindl, co-head of the Staff Unit for Equality, Gender and Diversity at the University of Continuing Education Krems
  • Ragnhild Möller, work environment and EDI coordinator at the Faculty Office at the Faculty of Science, Lund University

Eftir erindi mun Dr. Karin Gilland Lutz, deputy head of the Office for Gender Equality and Diversity, University of Zuric stýra pallborðsumræðum.


  • Hanne Andersen, professor in history and philosophy of science at the University of Copenhagen 
  • Sara Trojahn, postdoc within the Department of Ecology at the University of Innsbruck 
  • Finnborg Salome Steinþórsdóttir, postdoc and sessional teacher in Gender Studies at the University of Iceland 
  • Vasiliki Mylonopoulou, Ph.D., senior lecturer at the Applied IT department at the University of Gothenburg.

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